It was my kiddo’s completion/graduation from 10th grade yesterday.
It’s a weird situation to be in knowing that at that age some years ago, I was already done with high school and was racking my brains on what to take for college.
Yes, I ended up taking Information Technology.
As I listened to the keynote speaker at the ceremony talking about AI for the future and keeping our values as humans, I remembered how education is the most exposed field for artificial intelligence tools.
Any 10th grader has access to master’s level knowledge with just a few prompts. Do we still need the steps in between?
On the other hand, we now have to think about senior high school for him.
TBH, as a homeschooler, I am not sold on paying 180k per year (tuition only) for schools in the PH.
Formalized curricula, standardized testing, and age-based grade level? It sounds so archaic.
There are WAYS to get a good education for 21st-century students.
With advanced technology, remote education, online networking, work-from-home opps, and now with artificial intelligence — TRULY there are ways to revolutionize EDUCATION as we’ve been conditioned to acknowledge for centuries.
But since excellence can come from a factory (i.e. big schools) in the form of “networks” and “branding” which btw I did not have the pleasure of having in my formative years as a public school student, I am willing to take on that experiment. An expensive experiment.
Let’s see.